Say you get a new list of contacts that you would like to add to your "Newsletter" email marketing list. Adding contacts to previously created contact lists is a snap.
First, navigate to the Email Marketing tool on the Qebot platform. Once there, click the contacts tab, and scroll down to find the list you'd like to add your new contacts to.
Hover your cursor over "Manage" on the right hand side of that list, and click the pencil icon as shown below.
You can then either enter in your contact email addresses in one at a time in the first box, or you can upload a CSV file into the system. If you have multiple columns of data you'd like to include in your lists, such as city, state, demographic information, or anything else you'd like to segment your list by later, you'll need to use the upload feature. See below.
It's important when uploading a file that you save your spreadsheet as a CSV document. Also, you will want to ensure you are creating your list in a way that is compatible with how the system accepts data. You can download a sample document by clicking the "Download" button as shown below. This will give you a good template for how to organize your data.
Once you have uploaded your list, or added your contacts, click the "Create" button to create you list. It may take a few seconds to upload all of your contacts, especially if your list is large.
If you have uploaded a list of contacts with multiple columns of data, the platform will ask you to map the columns included in your list. It will automatically connect fields that are named the same as what is default in the system. It will also remember any column titles that you may have created in other contact lists, and automatically load those.
For any column titles the system doesn't recognize it will ask you to map the information to a default title, or create a new segment. These un-mapped segments will listed in Gray. All columns that are mapped appropriately will show as green, and if you decide to omit a property type, it will show as red. You'll need to map or omit all property types before moving forward. See below.
Once you have completed mapping all of your properties click the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom to finish creating your list. Now your list is updated and ready for your email campaigns.
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