Do you have certain blogs or publications that you like to follow? The Qebot Platform helps you aggregate all of your content feeds into a single view so you can read and keep up with the articles you enjoy much more easily.
To start, go to the social media too, and hover over the "Content" button in the top navigation bar. In the dropdown, find the "Feeds" Button.
Once you are in the "feeds" section, click the "New Feed" button as shown below.
You will next need to go to the site where the blog or publication you are interested in is and copy the URL of the blog stream. Not a specific blog entry, but the page where all of the blogs feed into.
Name your blog as shown below, and then paste the URL into the "Feed URL" field
**VERY IMPORTANT** Once you have pasted the URL into the "Feed URL" field, add "/rss" to the end of the string as you can see we've done below. If you do not add /rss your feed will not be pulled into the platform. Click save.
Now your new feed will be listed with any other feeds you have set up for yourself. Click on it to read recent articles by that specific source. Enjoy!
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