To add a user to your account, simply log in and click on the locations tab in the control menu on the left.
Once the location menu is up, click the "Add Locations" button as shown below:
click on the user role, and select "User."
Enter the information as requested for the user, including email, and create a password for them. They can change this later.
After you have entered the information, click add location, and your user will not be able to log into your account.
Corporate Admin: This role will give the user complete administrative access to your entire account. This person can create new brands, businesses, add users, access any business location or brand within your account, make purchases, and edit any business information or user information on the platform.
Business Admin: With this role a "Business" field will pop up where you can select which business units or brands you'd like to assign the user access to. With Business Admin access the user will be able to access all active modules, purchase new modules, and add "User" level role people to the businesses he/she is assigned to.
User: The "User" level role enables a person to access the businesses they are assigned to just like the Business Admin, but with very limited functionality. The user role cannot view tools that have not been purchased on behalf of them or the business units they are accessing. They cannot add other users, add new business units, or access any sort of billing information.
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