Creating coupons and discount coupons
To create a discount coupon:
- Log in to your Sitebuilder.
- Click Menu > Store.
- Go to Promotions > Discount Coupons.
- Click on + New coupon.
- Fill the necessary fields:
- Name: Add a coupon name for your convenience. Only the store owner can see it.
- Code: It will automatically give you a coupon code. If you want a different one, you can click the "Generate" link in "Generate coupon code" or insert your own code (e.g. "christmas_coupon"). The code is not case-sensitive.
- Discount: You can select whether to offer a discount or free shipping and can also choose whether to offer this as a monetary or a percentage value.
By default, a new coupon is valid from the day it is created until it is deactivated, and is applied with no limits. To edit these settings:
- Click the "today" link to select a new start date
- Click the "deactivated" link to set an end date
- Click the "no limits" link to apply limits based on Orders, Customers, Number of Uses, and Products and Categories.
Here is what each limit option does:
- All orders: Coupon will be applied to all orders regardless of their totals.
- Orders over $: Coupon will be applied only to orders which totals are greater than the amount specified.
Number of Uses
- Unlimited: No limits; customers can use this coupon multiple times.
- Once per customer: Each customer can apply a coupon only once per e-mail, however the coupon can be applied numerous times. A customer can also place two orders with such coupon, if they specify different email addresses.
- Single use: Coupon can be applied only once.
- All: No limits by customer type.
- Repeat customers only: Only customers with existing successful orders can use the coupon.
- You can limit the use of the coupon to specific products and categories, or allow customers to use it throughout your store.
Products and Categories
Click Save once you have created the coupon and applied any limits.
You can go back and edit the coupon at any time to change dates and limits by clicking on the coupon name, and clicking the "Pause" or "limits" links in the Availability column.
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